Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Habit Passed On....

This is Jon (my son) finishing his first 5K! I'm so proud of him!  He stayed ahead of me for the first 1/2 of the race, then tuckered out.  He was able to maintain his pace alongside me for the last half of the race and then at the end when we saw the finish line...I told him to RUN!  He beat me by 3 seconds! GO JON!

This is me back there finishing. = )

This is an AWEFUL picture, but I finished my first trail/offroad 5K...and it was TOUGH!  But it was my favorite so far. I love nature and trails!

Same Jeans...Different Girl!

This is me in the same pair of jeans almost one year apart. It can be done!  I have 35 more pounds to go! I have been slacking but I have begun this adventure for a second time, all the while I have maintained and even lost a few pounds without really just becomes a part of your life and a habit!  If I can do it, anyone can!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

In the Recently....5K

My first 5K--Time: 48:24
The last one I ran: (6 months difference) 38:14
10 minutes difference!

Same Dress...Different Girl!

This is me with a 40 pound difference!  Fortunately, my brother knows someone who can alter a dress! = ) 

60 Pounds Later.....

The first picture was taken at Christmas time in 2010.  I didn't begin my journey to weight loss till April of 2011, but this picture sure does reflect how much I really needed to lose weight.  The second picture was taken in November 2011, which is 8 months after my training began.  I'm still in the process of trying to lose, but it is going MUCH slower, but I'm not quitting!  = )  I will run another 5K this weekend, and plan on starting some 10K races.  I might do a half marathon in March of 2012, and I would REALLY like to run the 2013 Walt Disney World Marathon! Isn't that something to look forward to?!  I think I can..I think I can...I think I can!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Run a Race....

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father if it’s possible, let this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.‘” –Matthew 26:39

Having read this verse on, and the story following it about a marathon racer. I realized that this is so true!  I would love to be able to run a marathon. Shoot, I would love to be able to run 3 miles without stopping, which I hope to do one of these days! I've finally been able to run 1 mile without stopping, but here lately I've taken a few weeks off from my training and am getting going again finally.  It's amazing what a few weeks off will do!  I have to keep moving!!!!   It is NOT impossible!  With God ALL things are possible!  

I am at 181 right now.  I've been stuck here for a while..but that's about to change!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. (Hebrews 2:18 NKJV)

This was one of the verses preached tonight by my pastor. What a great verse to live by when trying to avoid certain foods! Just wanted to share!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Another Before and After.....

I found a new app on my iphone that allowed me to make collages with my pictures, so I thought I'd take my Facebook profile pictures from Dec. '10 and Aug. '11.   Can you see the difference? This makes me very happy and makes me motivated to keep on going!  I am now at a weight loss of 58 pounds and only 38 more to go! = )

Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

Sunday, August 21, 2011

From Plus size to Regular Clothes!!! Imagine THAT!

While on vacation just a little over a week ago, I was so excited to get to go shopping! I was thinking I MIGHT be able to get in to a size 16, but wasn't sure!  Well....First stop TJ MAXX....I was buying size Large shirts instead of XL and XXL, and....I was able to get in to a size 14W pants and a size 16 regular (without the W!)  Do you have any idea where I started and what I was wearing in pant size in just April which was 4 months earlier? A 22W!  Imagine that!  I was able to buy clothes at American Eagle, Old Navy, and other places without shopping in the Plus Size department! It's been a VERY LONG TIME since I've been able to do that...I'm talking over 12 years!  I am SO happy!

Trip to the Beach!

It's amazing how confident I felt having my picture taken at the beach this time! I feel so much better about myself and I love it!  I still have such a long way to go but I'm on my way! There's no stopping now!

Ok so I said I wasn't going to show you a picture of me in my swimsuit...well...I changed my mind! That's how confident I am! year at this time...I'm hoping I won't need the shorts to cover my thighs! = )  By the way...I'm at 189 now! Only 14 more pounds till my next goal which is 175!!!! So close!!! I can do it!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's All About Inches!!!!

It is almost the end of week 18!  I hadn't measured my inches in a I thought I would do so....I was really surprised when I found out I lost 21 inches total so far!!!!  4 in my bust, 5 in my waist, 6 in my hips, 3 around my thigh, and 3 in my neck and arm! I AM AMAZED! In my picture is my tape measure measuring 21 inches total from my right hand to my left. A visual always help me realize my progress!  The weight is coming off slowly but Kyle says starting next week...we are hitting it hard hopefully the weight will start falling off faster again! I'm still very motivated! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Setting Small Goals for Myself.....

Something that is IMPERATIVE to me losing weight is setting small goals for myself. Although I have an initial long-term goal set, I have to stick with short-term goals.  Of course, I have other motivational goals, other than trying to reach just a number, however these numbers are VERY important to me, also!  As mentioned previously in my blog, fitting in to my Taekwondo pants was a goal I worked toward. NOW, I've purchased a swimsuit online a few weeks ago, and even though it kinda-sorta fits...It's I have 2 more weeks to fit "comfortably" in this swimsuit! It's the cutest swimsuit! So when I get in to this swimsuit and feel good about myself in it, I will be finding myself another goal! Here's the swimsuit....and NO, I will not be posting a picture of ME in the swimsuit! Sorry! = )

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Did It!!!

After two years of summer attempts to get up on the kneeboard I finally did it! As a teen, I could successfully do 360's, jump the wake, and show off. Well, last summer I realized it would never happen for me if I didn't lose weight and get in shape. On the first try today, I finally did it! I am thrilled! See... All the hard work does pay off! :)

Eating Out....

When ordering at a restaurant, most restaurants will substitute wheat bread for what they actually serve. This meal I ordered from Bambinos in downtown Hot Springs came with potato chips and some kind of nut bread (which I'm allergic to). So I substituted wheat bread and a healthy side salad.  I've learned that just about anywhere will substitute wheat bread. Although it my not be 100% whole wheat, it's still better than the alternative!

Character and Determination!

1 Thessalonians 3:4
For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know.
Why don't diets get any easier? Chocolate cake is just as tempting a month or two after you start dieting as it is the day after you start. Time doesn't heal the cravings that go along with diets. There is suffering in dieting. For that reason, a good attitude and strong state of mind are essential for a productive, long-lasting diet. God gives us strength of character and determination. There is no tribulation, even dieting, that God can't get us through. Diets may not ever get easy, but they do get manageable when we add God's strength and perseverance to our own.
Today's thought: What seems impossible, God makes possible!
This was my devotional today from Devotionals for Dieters.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good Eatin!

Call me crazy, but one of the things that I do frequently is take a picture of my meals! Sometimes because they just look pretty, and sometimes, so I can remember what I ate, and sometimes, so I have proof that I'm eating like I'm supposed to! Here are some pictures! Enjoy and be inspired!
 This is more than I usually eat...Sunday Dinner at Mom's! I indulge myself, of course..but it's all good!
 Steak, fresh garden tomatoes, brown rice, steamed summer vegetables
 Grilled Chicken, Cabbage, Beans
 Grilled Chicken, Salad, Fresh Garden Green Beans
 Bunless Burger, Red, Yellow, and Green Bell Pepper, Steamed Squash
This was actually breakfast...Turkey rolls, Sugar free jello with frozen whipped topping, and 1 GIGANTIC strawberry!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Don't Ever Give Up!!

The #1 reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten. :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Best Medicine!

"Laughter is the best, if you laugh hard enough, it's an ab workout, too, and who isn't happier when their body's in better shape!" = )

Going to the Beach....

For those of you wanting to know my eating plan:  This is what I'm doing...I'm just doing the South Beach Diet...  Read this book or skim it...Learn it!  My trainer keeps me focused and tells me what phase I need to be on and when. (and he makes adjustments as needed to the diet that best fits MY needs).  I don't follow it exactly, but this is basically what I'm doing as far as the food lists and everything goes....
As far as exercise...I do what my trainer tells me to do and he keeps me in the zone...fat burning zone...that is.  
He also tells me what I need to do when I'm not training with him and how often I need to be exercising. He keeps me focused.  I have developed a whole new way of eating and will live the rest of my life eating this way. It really isn't bad at all!!!!  My family is eating this way, too.....and now Kristin, my daughter, has lost 10 pounds just eating the way I eat!!! However, she cheats occasionally. BOO. Just kidding!  I'm proud of her!  It's a whole new way of thinking and eating. A new lifestyle. And it works!!!

One Last Look...

 240 pounds.
This is a little bit of a glimpse of my progress over the first 12 weeks again.  I still have quite a ways to go, but I'm getting there!
220 pounds
205 pounds
The last time you'll see me at 200 pounds!

So now you see where I really began and where I'm headed! I have such a long way to go still and I'm ready to begin my journey in the 100's! 

199!!!! No more 200's for me!

This is me at my mothers house on a Sunday afternoon just recently! In 3 months time. I lost this much weight with Kyle's help. I had to take my skirts and pants to my mom so she could put elastic in all of them and take them up so I would have clothes to wear! This is a GREAT feeling! This is me at 199 pounds!!!! After over 10 years of weighing over 200 pounds...I am DONE! I am NEVER going back there again!

My first 5K....

Women Run Arkansas: One of the things that got me going at first.  This was me finishing my first 5K race in Conway, Arkansas! I finished! That was what I wanted was to cross that finish line! = ) One of the greatest things about this race was that I ran it with my mother. She ran beside me and kept me going the whole time. When the finish line was in view...she told me to RUN like the wind! so I did...well I ran like a turtle...but I did it!  May 2011.

Taekwondo: A Motivating Factor....

It began with Taekwondo. My son was taking it, so I thought I would too. It was a way to burn a few extra calories right? RIGHT!   One of the motivating factors to my weight loss was that white uniform you see me wearing in this picture.  Fact of the matter is, they don't make TKD uniforms to fit FAT people!!! So I purchased the uniform and finally lost enough weight to fit my rear in those pants! As rewarding as that was, the MOST rewarding part of taking TKD is the fact that my son and I enjoy doing it together! I am currently an orange belt which is the 3rd belt. My son is almost a blue belt which is the 6th belt. He has really improved too!  I really enjoy it and it is definately a great workout!

Introduction....I CAN BE THIN AGAIN!!!!!

Hey Everyone,
I don't know why I didn't think of doing this up until this point of my weight loss journey. Thanks to a friend of mine, I got the idea to blog about this journey. I have a different blog, but I thought I would do one specifically for my weight loss.  So here goes....

Up until this point I have lost a total of approximately 47 pounds. It all began at the end of February 2011 but REALLY began the beginning of April 2011. Here's the story:

In February, I had been attending my son's taekwondo classes as an observer of course, and wishing that his instructor would start an adult class. I talked to his instructor and he told me he was starting one so man, I was IN! I was excited! In the meantime, I had just begun a Women's Running Club at my school so I was walking mostly but doing a little running 2 nights a week, sometimes 3.  I was also doing a Biggest Loser with my coworkers at school where I came in 3rd place! I had lost about 9 pounds. I didn't try real hard.
Well the point is, with all this going on, something BIG was about to happen. I was just a "little" motivated to lose weight at this point but that was about to change!  My TKD (Taekwondo) instructor, Mr. Kyle Hecke, informed me that he was a physical trainer, too..well that did it! We worked it out and he started training me as soon as Spring Break was over. 3 days a week, I started getting up at 5 A.M. so I could meet him at the GAC at 5:45 A.M. to train. He put me on a low carb eating plan (I am not calling it a diet...because it's really not) and began working my rear off.  So, now I was training 3 days a week, running 2 nights a week, and doing TKD 1 night a week. I went from a VERY sedentary lifestyle to a very active one! When I began training with Kyle, I weighed 242 pounds.  At the end of my 12th week I had lost 40 pounds! 

I am now at the end of my 15th week and have lost 47 pounds. I weighed in at 195 pounds the middle of last week. I take TKD 2 nights a week now, and train with Kyle 3 days a week.  I still try to do some running on my own, too. It will take a few blog posts to get me current on what got me to this point, so stay with me! = )  I hope that through this blog, someone just might be inspired!  I CAN BE THIN AGAIN!!!!