Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Habit Passed On....

This is Jon (my son) finishing his first 5K! I'm so proud of him!  He stayed ahead of me for the first 1/2 of the race, then tuckered out.  He was able to maintain his pace alongside me for the last half of the race and then at the end when we saw the finish line...I told him to RUN!  He beat me by 3 seconds! GO JON!

This is me back there finishing. = )

This is an AWEFUL picture, but I finished my first trail/offroad 5K...and it was TOUGH!  But it was my favorite so far. I love nature and trails!

Same Jeans...Different Girl!

This is me in the same pair of jeans almost one year apart. It can be done!  I have 35 more pounds to go! I have been slacking but I have begun this adventure for a second time, all the while I have maintained and even lost a few pounds without really just becomes a part of your life and a habit!  If I can do it, anyone can!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

In the Recently....5K

My first 5K--Time: 48:24
The last one I ran: (6 months difference) 38:14
10 minutes difference!

Same Dress...Different Girl!

This is me with a 40 pound difference!  Fortunately, my brother knows someone who can alter a dress! = ) 

60 Pounds Later.....

The first picture was taken at Christmas time in 2010.  I didn't begin my journey to weight loss till April of 2011, but this picture sure does reflect how much I really needed to lose weight.  The second picture was taken in November 2011, which is 8 months after my training began.  I'm still in the process of trying to lose, but it is going MUCH slower, but I'm not quitting!  = )  I will run another 5K this weekend, and plan on starting some 10K races.  I might do a half marathon in March of 2012, and I would REALLY like to run the 2013 Walt Disney World Marathon! Isn't that something to look forward to?!  I think I can..I think I can...I think I can!