Hey Everyone,
I don't know why I didn't think of doing this up until this point of my weight loss journey. Thanks to a friend of mine, I got the idea to blog about this journey. I have a different blog, but I thought I would do one specifically for my weight loss. So here goes....
Up until this point I have lost a total of approximately 47 pounds. It all began at the end of February 2011 but REALLY began the beginning of April 2011. Here's the story:
In February, I had been attending my son's taekwondo classes as an observer of course, and wishing that his instructor would start an adult class. I talked to his instructor and he told me he was starting one so man, I was IN! I was excited! In the meantime, I had just begun a Women's Running Club at my school so I was walking mostly but doing a little running 2 nights a week, sometimes 3. I was also doing a Biggest Loser with my coworkers at school where I came in 3rd place! I had lost about 9 pounds. I didn't try real hard.
Well the point is, with all this going on, something BIG was about to happen. I was just a "little" motivated to lose weight at this point but that was about to change! My TKD (Taekwondo) instructor, Mr. Kyle Hecke, informed me that he was a physical trainer, too..well that did it! We worked it out and he started training me as soon as Spring Break was over. 3 days a week, I started getting up at 5 A.M. so I could meet him at the GAC at 5:45 A.M. to train. He put me on a low carb eating plan (I am not calling it a diet...because it's really not) and began working my rear off. So, now I was training 3 days a week, running 2 nights a week, and doing TKD 1 night a week. I went from a VERY sedentary lifestyle to a very active one! When I began training with Kyle, I weighed 242 pounds. At the end of my 12th week I had lost 40 pounds!
I am now at the end of my 15th week and have lost 47 pounds. I weighed in at 195 pounds the middle of last week. I take TKD 2 nights a week now, and train with Kyle 3 days a week. I still try to do some running on my own, too. It will take a few blog posts to get me current on what got me to this point, so stay with me! = ) I hope that through this blog, someone just might be inspired! I CAN BE THIN AGAIN!!!!